Tap Titans Free Coins, Diamonds and Tap Damage Cheats

Tap Titans Free Coins, Diamonds and Tap Damage Cheats

Read the text version of Tap Tap Trillionaire tips and tricks: www.levelwinner.com/tap-tap-trillionaire-ultimate-guide-19-killer-tips-tricks-cheats-need-know/

In this video I share with you some quick tips and tricks for Tap Tap Trillionaire.

Game Description

ONCE UPON A TIME there was a person. It was you. You asked yourself, "How can I make more coins???"

A voice came from above, "Keep Tapping."

You woke up, it was your boss…

You went home that night, thinking that instead of tapping for someone else, why shouldn’t you be tapping for yourself?…

This amazing 8-bit pixelated, nostalgia driven, frenzy tappin’, frantic investment firm simulator is the best way you should be making that coin for yourself.

"Mind Blown" - Jayg2015

"Enjoying the game so far. It's like kairosoft graphics meets Bitcoin billionaire. With a stock trading aspect for extra money. And you get to tap!!"- Hoot3000

In Tap Tap Trillionaire, you can:

- Run your own company!
- Hire and fire your traders!
- … Or collect them!
- Buy Low, Sell High!
- … Or have your traders do it for you!
- Decorate your office with… STUFF!
- … Or move to a Castle!
- AND MAKE 1 TRILLION COINS because of reasons.


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